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Meet Marcelle

Certified Meditation Teacher

I'm a meditation teacher who helps people dealing with work stress or difficult situations. Drawing from my own experience working in a stressful corporate environment, I share how meditation, mindfulness, and wellbeing helped me become more conscious of my surroundings and give myself much-needed relaxation and peace. With my 1:1 sessions, we will focus on the following:
-Greater focus and concentration
-Rising above negative thoughts and beliefs 

-Breathing exercises

-Meditations you can do during challenging times

Marcelle Hutchins
Happy Meditator

Meditation and Mindfulness

Feeling stressed and need to find balance in your life? Do you struggle to concentrate at work or at home? Through my guided meditation I will help you transition from work life and ease into a relaxed state. Although my sessions are meant to help you incorporate the techniques into a stressful environment, the outcome of your sessions depend largely on your willingness to engage in this process. I cannot promise that your behavior or circumstance will change. I can promise to support you and do my very best to understand you.

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