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Meditation for a cause: raising donations for Downtown Women's Center

In L.A. county, women facing homelessness has jumped to 63% since 2015. According to a report by the nonprofits Urban Institute and Hub for Urban Initiatives, single homeless women make up 70% of the women experiencing homelessness on any given night in the county.

Downtown Women's Center

To help the more than 22,000 women facing homelessness, I worked with the Downtown Women's Center to raise donations through meditation. Since December 2023, I have been a volunteer at the center and I see first-hand the devastating impact homelessness has on individuals, families, and communities. The volunteers and staff make a big impact for the women who come to the center for housing, wellness, and employment.

As a meditation teacher, I used my skills and experience to offer a free guided breathwork class in exchange for donations from attendees. The event took place at the Zula Den in West Adams, and people brought blankets, clothes, bags, books, and the list goes on. I was moved by the generosity and have so much gratitude for those who attended the sold-out event.

The breathwork was in three parts: breathing deeply into the belly, up the chest, and exhaling through the mouth. This type of breathing pattern is known to create balance, reduce stress and anxiety. I've practiced it so many times and have found it to be very powerful and impactful.

Guided meditation
Guided meditation at the Zula Den

If you'd like to learn more about my services or the breathing pattern I talked about in this post, feel free to reach out. And remember to take care of yourself.

Your meditation teacher,


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