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Spring Soirée at the Zula Den

Is it just me, or does it feel like this year is flying by? We're in May. Let that sink in because we are six months away from celebrating Halloween (yikes!). But let's try to focus our attention to Zula Den's Spring Soirée: A Conscious Community Wellness Day that was sold-out and brought together different healers and meditation teachers from the community. I was truly honored and grateful that I was invited to be a facilitator, and offered a breathwork session that focused on the heart chakra.

The heart chakra is one of love and divine power. This energy center is the meeting ground between the spiritual and physical self. It is also where the energy of the physical self stems from. It is where you learn to trust and have faith in the self to lead life from the heart.

During my session I had people do a guided dynamic breathwork meditation, which includes a variety of breathing exercises that not only target the heart, but your immune system. We started the session with slow, heavy breathing; we then progressed to quick breathing exercises that create more clarity and help get rid of the day's stress and anxiety. It was so powerful to feel everyone's energy and be aligned with the breathwork.

The session ended with Caramie's cacao ceremony. She made a delicious and beautiful Costa Rican chocolate that's "made with fresh oat milk and dried rose buds from India sprinkled on top for the highest frequency of love." A typical ceremonial cacao ceremony involves drinking the cacao mindfully, setting intentions, and engaging in activities like journaling about the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing after meditating. Each one of us had a notepad and wrote three things we're grateful for. I shared that I am grateful for my health, peace, joy and freedom.

What about you? What makes you grateful?


Your meditation teacher, Marcelle

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