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The Art of Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals In 2024

Updated: Feb 4

Here we go again. Another year, another opportunity to be better. I entered 2024 with fitness goals and plans to get in better shape. Like many of you, I went straight to the gym on January 3rd. The feeling of being back at the gym was amazing. I did my usual stretch on the mat, and worked out on the Ellipitcal machine before moving on to the StairMaster and later weights.

Fitness has always been part of my life. Looking back at my childhood and upbringing, I was very active with soccer, basketball, volleyball, and track. I don't know how I found time at that age to do all those sports, but I made it work. Now that I'm older, I have to be smarter about my schedule and make time for my fitness goals. So what does that mean?

It means first figuring out what it is I'm aiming to lose or gain. For starters, I like my weight. I love my shape. What I want to do is to focus on building my muscles to be leaner and toner. Below is a schedule that I created for myself for the days I want to workout. I see it as setting my S.M.A.R.T. goals - that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. I know that setting a weekly routine that keeps me on track will help me focus on getting to where I want to be with my health.








7:30am Morning Gym Workout

7:30m Morning Gym Workout

Rest Day

5pm Evening Gym Workout

Morning/Evening Yoga/Pilates/Boxing

9:30 Morning Gym Workout/Class

Rest Day

In addition to sticking to a weekly workout schedule, I'm also incorporating Collagen and protein powder from Sunwarrior Protein Blend. You can get it at Whole Foods or online, and I have their chocolate flavor. It's plant-based and I really like it. I'm also on the lookout for vitamins, because I need to be taking them as part of my health plan.


As far as 2024 goes, I feel really good about what's to come. I have a few ideas about what I want to do this year, like traveling to San Francisco and Italy, or visiting my family in Maine. I've been playing with the idea of doing a 5K this spring, but I haven't fully convinced myself. Only time will tell.

Happy New Year!

Reset Your Day

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